Saturday 18 February 2017

The Actualization Of Actuality.

Do any of us know our full  potentiality ? I very much doubt it, many of us live in a world where we are not fully alive to the reality of what we really are ,many  of us our only two thirds alive that being physical and mental ,the  spiritual aspect of our being in asleep.
Self actualization is contemporaneous with the realization of our own potentiality and involves an understanding of our inner nature.
It is written in the ageless wisdom of the ancients that the beginning of wisdom starts with our re-cognition  of our ignorance.
Our actual potential is boundless if we but knew and understood this fact, one way out of this state of being "cloaked down" (our light hidden under a bushel?)  is to take up the regular practice of meditation of yoga ,as  this will facilitate an entrance into the interior of our being.
The illusory world that appears outside of you is actually a reversal of what really is within,
in the illusory outer world "real life" is reversed and this is called evil which is the reversal of live,
evil is without ,live  is within ,that  is how this expression of our being is.
That is why the outer world is rapidly getting shallower by the day ,and   this is expressed by the rampant self centeredness, the exclusivity of the  me-ism mentality ,which  by the way exclusivity is the way of expression in the outer unreal world, and inclusivity is the way of reality and universal natural law.
Our task if we are up to it ,is  to turn our face away from the bullshit shallowness that poses of substance out there and look within for help and guidance  out of this self created mess we are all
in.  If we can do this we will tune into the melody and rhythm of the inner energy consciousness.
We will grow from ignorance to understanding and wisdom learn to become selfless rather than selfish ,learn  to give something back to life ,rather  than always taking ,and  see the true value of integrity honesty with love in your heart rather than resentment, hatred, and being riddled with fear.

with warmest regards Michael.

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