Monday 27 February 2017

Intuititive Cognition Emerging =I.C.E.

I would like to start this blog with a quote from LAO TZU,"  If you would take, you must first give
this is the beginning of intelligence"unquote.
We can spend a lifetime looking for answers to the endless questions that arise from within us,
and in so doing we continually search far and wide for answers, reassurance and some idea that
will allow us to make sense of all this endless questioning and restlessness.
The first and biggest mistake we all make is in the false assumption that the answers to all our
innermost questioning and yearnings lie outside of us, in the exterior. The real truth of the matter
lies far closer, we need to look within ourselves for the answer therein lies the master of all
understanding, knowledge ,and  wisdom.
We each have our very own inner guru, that inner master of wisdom and knowledge is called the
higher self ,or soul.
When we turn within and avert our gaze from without we discover a new level of consciousness
that we had never in a thousand years ever dreamed existed, we gradually discover the source of
that "still small voice" within us that in times of pain or anguish called out a reassuring feeling
to arise from within us.
Intuition means literally "to be taught from within" and that inner teacher is your higher self the
soul, we need to fully understand and comprehend the very real FACT that the soul is absolutely
REAL and has existed for all time, it is NOT a theory please realize this ,accept  it, and move
on to beginning to realize this reality within yourself.
Test it out ,go within ,take up meditation practice it daily and then you will discover for your self
the master (you) who lives within.
If the soul had one lament to make it would be this ,I have been with you closer than your hands and feet, and you knew me not ,that  is a travesty that I hope these blogs can in some small way begin
to foster a change of direction from without to within.
with warmest regards Michael.

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