Wednesday 15 February 2017

The Now Is Eternal Stillness It Is We Who Move.

We live in a dual reality not though as we usually assume, this dual reality is expressed in a physical reality which is called the relative physical universe in which we all live and have our being in ,and  then there is the absolute universe which lies at the back of all relative phenomenization of which
we know very little about.
Trendy cool websites and self help books plus many self absorbed gurus of new age thinking call out loudly for you to buy their course or book that says things like to live in the now, and be free from the stresses of this modern life.
What they do not tell you however is that it is absolutely impossible to live in the now ,and  the reason is very obvious if you really think about it.
The NOW has never moved in the last trillion or so years and never will do, why? Quite simply the now is ubiquitous eternally present everywhere in the universe all at the same now point ,it  is absolutely impossible for it to move, the basic underlying law of expression is that if you are ubiquitous and eternally present everywhere all at the same point in that now then that point will remain motionless forever.
We however are not on that point, our outer expressions of which we have seven the physical body being the lowest expression and lowest vibrational frequency are all on an evolutionary arc which will eventually lead us to become expressed at a much higher atomic state which at the moment is beyond most folks comprehension, instead  of being dense physical beings we will discover the reality of our higher self and gradually build within our selves a lighted body whose dense physical atoms will be replaced by much finer etheric atoms and our true form will begin to radiate that divine inner light.
We need to realize that we are moving at a fixed rate ,while  the now is forever motionless ,the  moment you try to capture the now you have moved past it, and you are always moving away from it, try  and talk of the now in the now, you cannot do it as you are always talking in the past tense.

warmest regards Michael

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