Sunday 5 February 2017

Soul Realization Is Our Natural Birthright And Heritage.

Soul realization is most assuredly our natural heritage and birth right ,however though very few of us ever have the chance to realize this without an intervening crisis arising within our life time.
For me the crisis reached its peak around my twenty ninth birthday after several years of mental and emotional pain and distress ,to  the point that I was given just three months to live unless I made a dramatic and one hundred per cent change in my lifestyle and habits.
This persistent and pressuring crisis that had been occurring to me for about 8 years and culminating
in me being hospitalised  in a mental hospital for almost a year brought me to my kness ,and that I was ready to do anything in order to get well and become healthy and balanced again.
It was at this time I became aware of the idea of meditation and how it can help the process of healing
and relaxing and calming down the thought processes.
I began a daily meditation program which I started in 1974 and am still doing it today forty three years later.
At first all I could manage was about five minutes at a time ,but  gradually over time was able to
increase this to thirty minutes or more.
One of the first fruits I began to notice was that of becoming much more relaxed and feeling heavy and sometimes sleepy as well.
I too began to notice the slowing down of the thoughts passing through the brain,the constant chatter that had be there for years, suddenly shut up!
I also became aware of a conscious expansion of awareness and perception ,the  consciousness that I had known before gradually vanished and was replaced by a much  more expansive and deeper level of awareness.
By going within myself I began to discover and identify that we are all related and of one divine family ,that  all things within the universe are interconnected and all "made" of the very same thing, that of Living Intelligent Energy.
I discovered my true self ,the higher self (soul) which is that "still small voice within us) of which we
all have access to and can contact if we work at it.
I found that  I have gained access to cosmic consciousness by being able to make direct telepathic contact with my soul (higher self) and this opened the door to inner wisdom and insight into  the reality of living that I was totally unaware of before.

Warmest regards Michael.

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