slapped my bum to bring life giving air into my new lungs, that was a great first experience.
From then on I encountered many unpleasant experiences ,spent time in a children's home
when my mother was ill, that was a frightening experience for a 7 year old and one that stayed with me for many years .I never met my father as my mother came to England when war broke out from here home in Ireland and joined the Waff's and I came onto the scene when my mother went to a dance at an American base and was given a pair of nylons and a carton of Lucky Strike cigarettes and
I was the Lucky Strike! When my mother reported her pregnancy the officer involved was immediately shipped overseas never to be seen again.
I had a very unhappy childhood ,and when I was 9 my mother got a job as housekeeper to a man with two kids of his own, his wife had just died. I hated the place and the man there and had many
nasty experiences there right up till I left at fifteen when I left school.
From fifteen until I was twenty nine years old and working for dear old British rail as it was known as then, and got involved in a heavy drinking culture I took to this as I found that alcohol gave me all the things I lacked like confidence ,the ability to chat with girls and I felt great with drink inside me.
However this honeymoon phase with the drink finished ,and I began to find that I had to have it every day or I felt ill and scared to go out or to work.
By now my daily experiences were of one that was addicted to alcohol and fear and great unease became my constant companions.
By the time I was twenty nine my doctor had given me three months to live tops, on hearing that frightening prediction I did what any self respecting addict would do,I had a drink!
I did then ask for help, and joined a fellowship that offered unlimited support and a program of recovery .I was riddled with fear and panic and my sanity was in a very sorry state ,I asked for help from that great Spirit of the universe and it was immediately given, and this set me firmly on the road to complete recovery and the start of 43 year of regular meditation and self discovery,my
experiences then became positive and very meaningful opening up a vast new inner world of unknown delight and splendour ,of making contact with the higher self the soul and realising the reality of all our Divinity that lies within each and every one of us. This in turn allowed me to leave the railway and embark upon a career of working with other who have had the same problems as I had ,and was then able to put something back into life rather than taking ,and this blog is about passing it on and hoping who ever reads this also experiences the rich blessings that life holds out if we are awake to see them ,may great peace and joy be your experiences dear reader.
warmest regards Michael.
email kirkpatrickmichael17
brother u suffered a lot in this life, but made it also a good experience by learning only the positive aspect! grateful to have ur company! be blessed always--ur a blessed soul. God bless u.regards