Sunday 9 April 2017

What Is Spirit Can We Become Mindful Of It ?

The goal of realization for man is consciousness of the nature of the soul, the medium through
which the spirit aspect ever works. More it is not possible for him to do. Having learnt to function
as the soul ,detached from the three worlds, man then becomes a conscious corporate active
part of the soul which permeates and pervades all that is in manifestation.
Then, and only then, the pure light of spirit per-se becomes visible to him, through a just
appreciation of the Jewel hidden at the heart of his own being, then only does he become aware
of the greater Jewel that lies within and back of all manifestation.
What is this ubiquitous animator of life? Can we ever know it? I think the answer is NO!
But as we begin to know ourselves, to look within and to meditate, to make contact with our
inner-monitor, the soul, we begin to realize that is an inner aspect even to the soul, there
is an inner animator that gives "life" to the soul! This can be called spirit, or the life force itself!
The further we punch into the nature of reality, we begin to encounter an impossibility of
words to describe that which beneath and within all forms. Until we arrive at the point where
we can bow our heads in respect for this awesome Being and declare that we just cannot ,or
go any further, the Life Essence is then like a darkened FLAME,UNKNOWABLE?
The life essence is as a darkened flame (black light) in our present state of awareness, we use
words like spirit, but fail to comprehend  its meaning, life, spirit are one of the same, we can
penetrate so far into the "life force" then we reach a point  where comprehension breaks down
and we acknowledge that we can go no further, a darkened flame is a symbol and a cypher
of that very point.
We can though understand our soul, or at least make a start along that long road of
The soul is the "plastic outer covering" and the spirit or life essence is the "copper wire" within
the cable!
We can be aware of it, and know that it is there, but we cannot understand it, and while we remain
human beings, we never will!
warmest regards Michael. Facebook page soul realization,any comments most welcome.

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