Thursday 6 April 2017

A Consuming Fire Are You Hungry ?

The teachings of the ageless wisdom say that all is fire, another word for light, we are made of
light (fire) in solid form, as is all phenomenal matter. The more stimulus you apply (heat) the
more the object will radiate. Now the mind lensed through form can produce heat, some monks
in the high mountains of Tibet, can dry out wet blankets on their naked bodies, as part of a deep
meditation process, which includes imagining a fire within, a  furnace of intense heat, this
discipline enables them to do, what would kill you or I, as it is often way below zero when they
do this.
There is a fire within us all, we can access this by focus and mental discipline, much like the
suns rays focussed through a magnifying glass, which will start a fire, so the mind is the same,
the principle is the same! Focussed intention will produce heat and flame. The mind is a lens
and can focus like a prism. Balance and poise, an equilibrium of mind, body, and soul, when
this is achieved then the fires of creation will percolate in a flameful harmony, the elements
of air, fire, water, earth (solid fire) will burn steadily and the man will become  transformed
(from within) his whole form will be irradiated and will be filled with much "finer atoms" as
the dross is burnt away.
Is this some fanciful idea, maybe a fantasy? Science fiction, or even lunacy! Some will no
doubt think so. But these actions are real, they do happen, and have happened for thousands
of years. If you are willing to "walk the walk" so to speak, you can prove this to be so, just
practice the principles of meditation, harmlessness, in thought, word, and deed, detachment
with love from all, ego deflation at depth, acceptance of what is, plus humility, and do this
with all your mind, body, and soul, say for about twenty to thirty years, then if you do all
that, then you will be the very embodiment of this fire of life, and you will KNOW!
I have gathered these "ideas" from all over the world, much from India, a land with a great
depth of spirituality, the noble teachings of the Bhagavad-Gita, it is interesting that there
is no Sanskrit word that is equivalent to the word "religion" instead Hinduism sees itself
as an approach to understanding our place in the  universe .We  all need to find our way home.
I have also learned much from the orient, from Europe, and from our brothers the north
American Indians, who have a profound wisdom, that is in danger of being lost.
The living fires of creation burn away the dross, to reveal that "Jewel" that is within, a gem
that is liquid fire. To look within it's flame, one has first to die of selfishness.
warmest regards Michael. Soul realization page on facebook,welcome any feedback.

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