Sunday 16 April 2017

Awaken-Within-Express-Divinity= A.W.E.D.

The world is filled with hungry ghosts, forever craving and never finding satisfaction, lurching
from one thing then to another, following one fad, then another, isolated by electronic gadgets
and multiple distractions, all effecting us one way, forever looking outwards, never in.
We are human beings, not human doings! The emphasis needs to be on being, there is a great
sadness festering within humanity, and this is further compounded by the fact that most of us
are completely ignorant of this, this fact is that the majority of those alive today, are basically
dead to the reality of who ,and  what they really are. Millions of us are sleepwalking into
oblivion, and are completely unaware of this truth, for make no mistake dear reader, this is
the reality that presents itself today, millions if not billions of us are dead spiritually, we are
not even human beings, rather are human animals, the being is as yet unborn!
We are all strangers to silence, and wholly embrace noise and distractions, the more things
or distractions the better we like it. We are slaves to our thoughts and thinking, rather than
being master to them, our ego's manifest thoughts at a rapid pace, and it never stops ,for
most this occurs non stop from birth till death, the more we may resist this, the more it will
persist, resistance is utterly futile and can never win, letting go of all resistance is the only way.
Thoughts divide, silence unites, we all need silence in our lives, silence is reality the truth
speaking to you, the voice of silence is your soul crying out in the wilderness calling you
home to your true being, and not the shell that you borrow to express yourself on this earth
Many of you reading this will either ignore it, or maybe think it is some new age bull....
that means nothing to me, and a few of you will think and hopefully act upon it, usually
we will not effect changes within us, unless we are presented with a crisis! I hope that
some of you reading this, can effect a change, without having to invite crisis to come
a calling. Meditation and yoga are ways of going within us, by going within we find out
who we really are, we learn how to master our thoughts, rather than be a slave to them, we
access our higher self (soul) and in so doing raise our vibrational level, and enter the kingdom
of human being, and leaving the dimension of human animal, we become awake to reality
and are reborn into LIFE, rather that just existing as a ghost before, empty and hollow.
We are all Divine souls, that is the reality ,it  is NOT a theory  not wishful thinking, nor is it
bull...., it is the way it is, and has been for eternity. The absolute beauty and radiance about this
truth, and the way it will awaken you , and you will be AWED in its magnificence is that you
can prove it YOURSELF, just take up meditation or yoga, put it to the test, and find it for yourself.
Don't  take my word for it, put it to the test yourself, then you will KNOW and what's more you
will know that you know!
warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcome, facebook soul realization.

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