Wednesday 26 April 2017

Religion Does Not Mean What You Think It Means.

The word religion comes from the Latin word,Religare, which means to bind, so a being belonging
to any religion is in effect bonded by it, and that by the way also includes those that are atheists by
choice, they too are bound by their belief in no God, as say the Christian is bound by his belief in
God, both are bound up! Who will untie them?
Religion is as inherent to life, as humidity is to water, we all seem to have a very real need to believe
in something, even if it just is ourselves! In times now past (well almost) a gentleman would say
"my word is my bond" he was bound by his word of honour, and would sooner die, than betray
that trust. He would be trusted, because he gave his word. Oh how times have changed.
Any belief is really something that binds you, ties you up, sometimes in knots! The whole planet
is full of religion, and all those practising it are bound by it, that is the way it is here on this speck
of dust called Earth. those that have addictions to whatever it is from porn to pop corn and
everything in between are all religious in the sense of the  root meaning of the word which is to
bind, the world has seven billion bounded people, who will untie them all?
Those that have no addictions! Are there any? Are you one of those rare beings dear reader?
What is the difference between an addiction and a habit? Who has no habits? Perhaps a defrocked
monk might qualify!
It has been said of old, and is written in the book of life, that any belief is by its very nature
binding, to become unbounded is to untangle the ragged cloth that has worn deep wounds
within our psyche over ages long past, we need to rip of this filthy rag that has caused us so much pain and heart ache, and toss it into the flaming furnace of experiences gathered and finally understood.
We need to leave the binding, suffocating, illusionary focus of believing, and move toward the
freedom of un-bound-less-ness that comes with the move into knowing rather that believing.
Believing is a future tense word, and that's where it will forever stay with you in the future, you
will have zilch today, unless it is in the now it will never arrive, if you lived a thousand years and
just kept believing, you would never know your god, because knowing always exists within the
eternal now.
We need to look within ourselves, and begin the journey of knowing yourself ,and  as you do so,
you will automatically unbind yourself from the tangles of ignorance.
Look within, take up yoga or meditation, cut that filthy cord that binds, and set your self free.
M ay the grace of knowing, manifest in all your lives.
warmest regards Michael. comments welcome, facebook soul realization.

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