Tuesday 25 April 2017

Virtual Reality ( Hidden In Plain Sight)

Hidden  in plain sight is a phrase often used in the ancient teachings of wisdom, mankind not
realizing the reality of his being, invents a machine that creates V.R, he then marvels at how
real it really is, not realizing the bitter irony of it all.
We are in fact living the V.R. life, like an iceberg, there is only the tip of what we are ever showing,
nine tenths of what we are (energy) lies submerged and invisible.
Unlike the film the Matrix however we are not batteries for another alien life force, rather we are
in effect projected from an inner matrix to an outer physical one to bring about an unfoldment
of a living principle (us)
It would seem that a needle in a haystack would be easier to find than something hidden in
plain sight!
We are a biological V.R. machine and we know it not! So we invent a machine that mirrors
our reality to a point, one biological machine making an electronic machine to echo his real
Existence! That invisible part of whom we really are guides the biological machine in
experiencing the very things it needs to accomplish and attracts the right circumstances in
order for this to be realized.
So rather than waste your time on mechanical devices that simulate reality, why not just live
your own  VR life and see where it leads.
The higher self soul is the driver, the bulk of the iceberg, that uses the body as a vehicle to
express its will upon this facet of the inner-jewel that is being expressed in this life time
and ensuring it learns its lessons well.
We live in a virtual reality universe, all is an illusion, no-thing that is seen is real absolutely
real that is, all is relatively real ,temporal ,and  will fade like the mist before the rising sun.
A mass awakening is beginning to dawn upon mankind as to the reality of this V.R. life.
As we play with these machines of virtualality we will gradually begin to feel un easy
,there will be echo's cast within saying things like this is not that different from my life
when looked at from an angle of the observer!
Nothing will greatly change when this is realized, rather it will give a more accurate account
of what is what,and who is who, it will however highlight when understood the continuance
of life, and will show that death the ending of all,oblivion,is the greatest illusion of them all.
warmest regards Michael
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com comment welcome,facebook soul realization.

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