Wednesday 12 April 2017

Kaleidoscopic Patterns That Enfold Mankind.

Jacob had a coat of many colours, so we are told, we too are many coloured beings, often
unnoticed by us through our limited range or perception and sight. We are basically energy
formed into this shape called a body. We are light steeped down (cloaked) lowered in
vibrational rate and take on a density and solid looking form. Until the invention of Kirlian
photography, which shows clearly the electrical coronal discharges from objects, it was only
clairvoyants and certain sensitive people who could see the auras and the colours emanating
from that aura. We are beings of shifting colours depending on our moods and emotions
the stronger the emotion the deeper the colour is, if we are very angry, we will have vivid
red flashes of light shimmering across our background auric colours, that where the saying
comes from "red with rage" with envy the colour changes to a sickly "snotty green" if
we were sensitive we would see plainly this sickly colour emanating from the envies one.
Mankind is first spirit, second soul, and third a vehicle to contain the life essence in this
dense and heavy realm, our life essence is filtered through several expression, this one on
Earth the lowest and most dense.
The kaleidoscopic effect that we vibrate through, seven bodies of expression is called
prismatic lensing, our pure spiritual colour as it passes through seven stages of expression
is fragmented into seven basic colours just as the suns light is broken down through a prism
into the rainbow effect that we are all familiar with.
Surrounding our physical body there is a electrical "fire" called the etheric body, this body
is coloured electric blue and totally surrounds the body, we are in fact a living flame, now
any of you reading this might say that this is nonsense, I have never seen this blue light,
sounds like bull.... to me!  Well there is a simple way you can see this vivid electric blue
fire, to see this etheric fire that surrounds us, just do this, hold your thumb and forefinger
close together, almost touching, but not quite, then look between the gap of the two digits
focus your gaze on that gap between, soon you will see what looks like a misty sort of
cloud appearing, and if you continue to focus you will then see a bluish misty colour
appear, it is easier to see in subdued  lighting rather that outside on a bright sunny day
you may have to do it a few times, some can see it straight away, others it takes longer
but you will see it if you persist. When you have seen that, you will hopefully be
encouraged to explore deeper into the coloured matrix of mankind, and then will be able
to see the full aura around us all. Meditation and yoga are great tools to help that process
warmest regards Michael. comments welcome,

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