Monday 3 April 2017


How mindful are we all today?  Within that word lies the potential, awaiting realization within
everyone of us. How many of us will ever realize it, I guess that most likely only those who
become "desperate" enough and have endured many crisis points in their life, and as a last
resort, turn within and ask for help.
What a wonderful world it would be if we could all recognize rising problems and take
steps to correct them, before a crisis arises, where we would all be self aware and know
our inner most self, and through self examination correct rising issues within before any
problem becomes evident, that would indeed be a wonderful world.
If we could but realize our true nature, and see that we are indeed souls with bodies,and
not bodies with souls, that we are consciousness being expressed within a physical vehicle
(our body) that we are all related to one another by virtue of our heritage which is Divine.
We are all three fold beings, Spirit, Soul, and body, this body is expressed in seven
dimensions, this earth expression is the lowest vibration of them all.
Mind is the locater within the infinite ocean of consciousness, an ancient axiom states
"that all is mind, and mind is all" and a rider to that is this, "as  you think ,then  so you
become". Many of us are like the iceberg, ninety per cent of us is asleep (dead) only ten
per cent awake and alive, and how many of us within that ten per cent range actually
know what their true heritage really is?
We need to be able to go within, hopefully without the need of a crisis forcing us into it
to take up the practice of meditation or yoga and start the journey within to find your
higher self the soul, which is the garment expressing the spirit within it. By doing this
you will create a reaction within you where you will be "born again" without ever going
near another womb!!
warmest regards Michael.
email am on facebook page soul realization.

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