Saturday 22 April 2017

Fascination-Axes-Conscious-Expression-Intuition-Terminated. =F.A.C.E. I.T.

If we did face it, we would all wake up from our long slumber. What is it that we need to face?
What we all need to face is that we are all asleep, we are all mesmerized by our fascinations of
almost all aspects of our lives, humanity as a whole is in a trance, and many will sleep there entire
time here on Earth, I did not use the word life because that is not what it is. The profound sleep
in which humanity lives is caused by fascination. The drunkard at the bar, fascinated by alcohol,
the vain woman in front of the mirror, fascinated by her own glamour, the rich avaricious person
is fascinated with money and possessions, the  labourer fascinated with his work, fascinated by
our children, fascinated by what  celebrities do, think, or say, fascinated by your phone and all
other gadgets, the list is endless.
When we are in this fascinated trance we do not remember our self, our consciousness and self
awareness is on pause mode and will often remain that way until death intervenes, even then it
will continue if the pause mode is not cancelled out by a flash of real self awareness!
Karl Marx said the "religion is the opium of the people" I would add that fascination is a far more
powerful opiate than religion. The world  in which we live in not fascinated, it is us that are in this
trance, how many of you reading this blog really know who you are? Yet how many of you could
tell what some celebrity did, or was wearing ,or  what they said, why are we some fascinated by
a person kicking a bag of wind (football) we will buy magazines all about their exciting lives.
The root cause of all this trance like zombie existence, which we mistakenly  call life, is in
our complete resistance to look within ourselves, we ARE SO fascinated by all the bull....
posing as a interesting item, a must have thing that we remain asleep as to who we really are.
It is immensely sad and a grave thing to ponder on, that we know all about who this celebrity
and who they sleep with ,what  clothes they buy, and are completely flummoxed by a very
simple question, who are you?
Can we all please turn our gaze within ,can  we all wake up from our long slumber, let go
of fascination, and embrace meditation instead, we have all been within a prison without
bars for far too long, our true self has been asleep, we have just been ego conscious and not
self  conscious, one is person-ality, the other is the real you.Let go of withoutness and embrace
withinness. then you will be born over again.
warmest regards Michael. face book soul realization..

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