Monday 10 April 2017

Experiences-Gathered-Opens-Self. E.G.O.S.

What are we basically ? I would respectfully suggest that all we really are is "gatherers of experiences" nothing more. What then is the need of us to gain experience, for what reason?
To really answer that question fully, we need to know what this "gatherer of experiences" really
is. What is man? And what is it that is mindful of him? Again I would respectfully suggest that
mankind, (us) are actually living within a L.I.E. which stands for Living-Intelligent-Energy, we
are energy formed and shaped into a physical body, which acts as a vehicle for a still higher
energy within us called the soul, or higher self.
What then is the purpose of all this experience? Again to fully understand the nature of this
question, we need to look at the process of life expressed all around us, what has it been doing
for the last million or so years, it has been evolving of an evolutionary arc, as we so to are doing.
We stand at the apex of this evolutionary arc of expansion, we have indeed unfolded through
the mineral kingdom, vegetable kingdom, and the animal kingdom, we are now within the human
kingdom, already our experiences are almost beyond our comprehension, and spanning billions
of years, how much experience does a man really need??
We exist within a living fire of energies, that percolate in and through us, swirling eddies and
vortexes, ebbing and flowing within and around us, if we had but eyes to see,we would be amazed
at what we really are, energy flowing in and through us, some of the energy very dense and very
low frequency, that is our physical body ,then  we have more energetic energy (higher frequency)
that is more like a gaseous flow of coloured light, those that are clairvoyant and sensitive see this
energy signature that is us, we are living light, and our experiences within the human kingdom
are leading us ever so gently to the awakening of our inner nature and an implosion of expanded
consciousness, perception, and awareness, millions  of us are in the transformational  stage of
awakening, and beginning to glimpse that inner higher self, that dwells within, that still small
voice within us, that calls out, and beckons us to go within. The ego which is really no more
than the sum total of our experiences, and memories, tries to deflect any contact within ,as
it fears it will loose its vice like grip it has on us.
By going within, and regularly practicing either meditation or yoga, we begin the process of
"knowing" rather than just believing, Knowing grows, believing fades into dust!  With practice
we gain understanding of our true nature, which is divine, we wake up, we are reborn into a
universal consciousness, with focussed intent learned through much experience of the inner light
we are able to bring our energy signature into coherence and move away from scattered being
we become coherent light focussed like a laser beam, that will reveal any  crap posing as real
to us!
warmest regards Michael. any comments welcome, soul realization  facebook page.

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