Wednesday 21 November 2018

Inside Dwells Our Life Source.=I D O L S Part Two.

As mentioned in yesterdays blog on this title of idols, was the question  or statement  posed
long ago by ancient scribes, the statement was this; "Many are called, but few are chosen" which
then poses the question as to whom is "calling"and to whom does the selection  for those chosen?
When I first came across this ancient statement over forty years ago now, the question intrigued
me enormously and seemed to imply that those "chosen" were a favoured few, that were selected
by God, and this to me implied  an unfair judgement upon us,why was one chosen and another
rejected? To me this question had to be answered, so I set about looking for answers, and took
up meditation as a way to find them.
Meditation slowly began to reveal the hidden truth that lies within us all,as the title of this blog
spells out that inside dwells our life source, which makes us all idols by implication.
I discovered by going within and daily practising  meditation over the last forty odd years that
"I" was not who I thought I was! In fact I discovered that the person who I thought was me  all of my life up to that point, was in fact just a vehicle for the real occupier that of my immortal divine soul
this realisation stunned my by then battered ego, the ego, my personality, the man I thought I was
came to be that of a vehicle, in order for the soul to gain purchase in this dense low vibration plane
here on Earth.The most amazing thing that followed this realisation was that I then discovered the
answer to that ancient statement made by those scribes centuries ago, That of, "many are called,
but few are chosen". Up to and beyond the point of "knowing" who we really are, that of divine
immortal souls,we live in a dual consciousness, which is largely set into ego personality mode, as
we are mostly completely unaware of the hidden reality within us,but within that mode of ego
consciousness, there arises times when we are very stressed or going through a crisis, at these
times we sometimes hear a "still small voice within us" that offers us a reassuring and comforting
word, this is directly issued out from our inner soul, trying to attract our attention, and hope we
take notice of this inner voice,and inquire from whence it came! This inner voice, some call their
conscience, is the voice of the real you,the divine immortal soul,it calls out to us, and encourages
us to search out from where it arises from, mostly the only chance it has of contacting us, is when
we are facing grave problems and crisis, when the ever vigilant ego is caught off guard by the
turmoil of the crisis, and the soul seeks this opportunity to make conscious contact with us. Our
soul is the one who "calls us" and it it us individually who do the choosing, if we chose to further
inquire about our true identity, then we discover our connection to the whole and our own divinity.
If we chose to ignore this offer of connection with your true self, then the door closes over, until
there is a fresh opportunity presented to you, most likely is the form of a severe crisis.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback most welcomed facebook Soul Realization.

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