Monday 19 November 2018

Thoughts Realising Uncovering The Hidden.=T R U T H Part Two.

It is through our thoughts and self realising that we gradually build up a picture of what we call
our personal reality. We as part of what is called the human race, have all got the facility of self
aware thinking, and with this we can work out many of our lives problems. We can work out
problems and solve them through the process of thinking thoughts and reflecting on what we know
as true,then acting accordingly to solve our difficulties. What then remains hidden from us?
Well what remains hidden from us, is the true identity of who we really are. The truth of our appearance here on Earth, and why we are all here. There is a purpose  which we all need to
understand, in this life or another. We need to see and understand that the word truth means
something really rather different than what we have ever imagined it to be. One hidden fact
about truth that is rarely if ever reported, is that there is but just ONE TRUTH, and that this
ONE TRUTH is expressed in an infinite number of ways, exactly the same and replicating that
of the ONE LIFE FORCE, one consciousness,one energy,one spirit,one reality. This truth is
actually staring you in the face when you look into the mirror, (albeit a shadow of it) when you
look at yourself in the mirror, you are actually seeing a reflection of an hidden truth that lies
behind the outer form, what we call the physical body,behind that reflection there lies the truth
there lies the life force, there lies the consciousness, all life, all truth, is by its nature invisible
and intangible, it is therefore formless and shapeless and also omnipresent ubiquitous.
There is only one real way to ever know truth, and that is to fully know yourself, when you fully
know yourself, you will then see that you are IT, which stands for INFINITE TRUTH!! We all
are the very embodiment of truth, how could it possibly be otherwise ? The implication of that
would mean that we are all not REAL! If that were so, where would we then stand? We would
all be facades playing in some intergalatic asylum where madness rules the roost.
We all live and move and have our being within an infinite ocean of life, intelligence, truth,
consciousness, energy, light, love,it is up to each and everyone of us, to reveal this hidden truth
that lies deeply within us all,we just need to look within ourselves and meditate upon who we
really are, we are all really immortal divine souls,but we each need to find this truth that lies
within us all.then when you find it, you will truly know who and what you actually are, then the
word truth will suddenly dawn into your consciousness and reveal that you are actually IT !!
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation. 

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