Saturday 3 November 2018

Soul Weeps Expression Postponed Temporarily. =S W E P T .

How many opportunities do we fail to recognise who we truly are? How many lives do we live
and fail to reconnect with our inner dweller? Deep and difficult questions to answer, and sadly
to so many of us, never asked, because there is no aware consciousness, of such a thing as a soul
let alone actually dwelling within us! Perish the thought, some might exclaim.
We are all here in order to gather experience, and hopefully learn from that experience, and
therefore adjust ourselves to arising conditions and learn from these experiences how to deal
with them more wisely. We can often get swept away by raging emotional storms that play
havoc with our mental and physiological welfare, but can at times, provide a widow to look
within ourselves, these opportunities arise in a crisis, like a huge emotional storm that can
rock and shake the very foundations of our life, and dash our hopes of ever finding love, peace,
or happiness and joy, and when all this realisation sinks in, and we feel very down and low,
then something quite wonderful can happen, we hear a "still small voice" within us, that offers
us loving  kind and reassuring words of hope, and lets us know that we are not all alone.
This still small inner voice, is that of our own immortal divine soul, reaching out to us, and able
to establish contact because of this crisis, that let our defences down, and also lowered the scope
of the ego's hold on us, long enough to open a channel and let you hear for maybe the very first
time the voice of your higher self, the soul.
If only we paid attention to this inner reassuring inner voice,and thought about what it was, and where did it come from, was it the voice of God? Sadly though for a great many of us, after the
crisis has passed, we forget all about that inner voice, and therefore get caught up in our every day
activities of gathering experience.
Because of this act of forgetting the inner voice, which after all apart from trying to help you in
a time of trial, is also trying to attract your attention to the fact that there is something within you
that you have failed to notice, and therefore it needed a crisis to hope to get your attention and take
heed of its message.If we fail to heed this message and pay attention to it,and make inquiries as to
what is really is, then we inadvertently set the scene for another arising crisis to come storming into
our lives, that when this happens again, this time we might just get the message therein.
In part two will explore this further,    Warmest regards Michael. any feedback most welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

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