Sunday 11 November 2018

Self Knowing Is Paramount Supreme. =S K I P S . Part Two.

Self knowing is of paramount supreme importance, because if you do not know who you really
are, if you totally fail to recognise the real dweller within you, then what do you actually know?
We all live in an age where we are continually being drip-fed information via our smart phones
and other devices like the  television screen, this goes on 24/7 we are all fed an endless stream
of mostly worthless advertising trash, but none of this endless stream of un-vital information
suggests anything about who the watcher or listener actually is, there is absolutely zero
information about what is your true and lasting identity. Knowing who you truly are, is the most
important thing you will ever learn in this life time, or any other. We have the situation where
a person is actually credited with the title of "The Worlds Foremost Authority" of there given
subject of expertise, yet ask them who they REALLY ARE, and most likely you would be
confronted with total silence, because they knew zero about their true identity.
We can easily find our way around this planet,we can use a sat-nav or even ask Goggle
we can know very quickly the way to anywhere on earth, yet we all seem to fall down on
knowing the way to reveal our true identity.
It took me thirty years and a lot of pain and anguish before I started even considering who
I really was,and that was because my back was up against the wall. and my life expectancy
was reduced to less than three months, then and only then, did I think about looking within
myself, to see who really lived there deep within me,hidden away from my outer mortal
frame,it was because of a life threatening crisis that arose within my life, that gave me the actual
"kick up the ass" I needed to take some positive action, and find out who actually lives within me?
I hope that any of you dear readers of this blog, do not have to wait until a life threatening crisis
arrives within your life, before you actually consider the prospect of looking within you, on the
exciting path of self and soul discovery, I hope you have more sense than I had, I was forced to
take action, or die, there is little virtue in that, and am aware of this. I hope you reading this will
see that there is a ring of truth said in this blog, and that will enable you to make the decision
to look within yourself, and really see if there is an immortal divine soul here inside you, after all
what have you got to loose? Except your old self!
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcome Facebook Soul Realization.

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