Thursday 15 November 2018

Vibration Of Universal Consciousness Housing Spirit And Focusing Expressed Divinity.VOUCHSAFED P 2

We are all vibrations of life expressing divinity within our consciousness aware field or range
of awareness, yet the vast majority of us are completely unaware of this reality. We fail to see
that we all our divinity, which is spirit manifested within an encapsulated shell or body, called a
human being, in absolute reality there is no such thing as humanity, the mistaken idea only
persists within our collective ignorance and within the physical or relative universe, it is only
"relatively" real, within our collective illusional field it does not and cannot exist within the
absolute reality.
Humanity is basically a collection of seven or so billion vehicles, and each vehicle houses a
divine immortal soul, this divine immortal soul is YOU dear reader of this blog, that is what
you are, and that is what we all are on this planet. Through our collective ignorance and total
failure of our educational facilities  to teach this fundamental reality, we all have mistakenly
and falsely identified our vehicles as who we really are, it like you saying that your car in your
garage is really YOU! Imagine what your neighbours would say if you shared that thought with
This truth is vouchsafed within you, you do not have to take my word on that, or anyone else's
for that matter, all you need to do is to look within YOURSELF, meditate upon it, and if you
do that, YOU will see, feel, and become aware of this inner reality, that dwells deeply within
you, then you will know, beyond any doubt that you are indeed a divine immortal soul.
The vast majority of us, will in my experience fail to take this opportunity to look within
they will convince themselves they have no need of that kind of thing, I  was in this thought
bracket myself, instead will will ignore it and carry on as before, there are some though, who
will be inquisitive and also curious about this matter, and look within themselves out of curiosity
and therefore start a journey of self discovery, the rest of us like me, will wait for a major crisis
to arise within our life, before we are therefore forced by pressing circumstances to make major
changes in our way of doing this, or die because of this major crisis in our lives, I hope that anyone
reading this, will begin looking within themselves, our of curiosity rather than waiting for a crisis
to come a calling in our life.
Warmest regards Michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

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