Friday 23 November 2018

We Are Space Suits Uniquely Presented.=W A S S U P Part Two.

What does the question wassup actually mean? To me it seems to imply that we are looking for
something, and that we often spend our entire life looking for this thing, looking for the right job,
the right partner,right kind of house, right car, the list seems endless, forever looking for something
and when we find what we are looking for, then after a short while, another want or need arises
within our mind,and then we start looking all over again, always looking, finding, then looking
again, never satisfied,it is as though we all have a restless urge to look for or find something
which we feel we need, and when we get the job, the partner, the house, and the car, is that then
the end of this looking for something? The answer to that question for the vast majority of us
is no,because we still feel that something is missing, something that we need to have, that will
make our life complete, the problem though, is that we do not seem to know exactly what this
thing we need actually is. And when we seem to have exhausted all the things that we thought
we needed, and have now got, there is still something missing in our life, what are we then going to
The answer to that question is within the title of this blog, "we are space suits uniquely presented"
which spells out WASSUP  our "space suits" are the physical body, which is called a human being
belonging to what we call humanity, the truth of this reality though, is far different than what you
actually see. The real YOU dwells within your body (which is only a vehicle) the whole physical
body, is a biological machine, with the brain acting as an biological computer, this bio computer
interfaces with the real host, which is the immortal divine soul, via electromagnetic transfers of
energy from one vibration to another lower vibration(the physical vehicle is on a far lower vibration
than that of the soul) and the brain interfaces with these points of connection that enter the physical
body through a vast number of channels. The real YOU is invisible and has never been seen with
your mortal eyes.
WASSUP is the question we all perhaps subconsciously ask ourselves, which presents itself in our
search for serenity, and when we acquire all that we think we need,that feeling of something missing
is in fact, a call from within yourself, to look within yourself, and then find out who you really are
complete and whole satisfaction will never be ours, until we find our TRUE and lasting IDENTITY
which is NOT that of a human being, rather it is that we are ALL IMMORTAL DIVINE SOULS.
Warmest regards Michael. all feedback welcomed facebook Soul Realization

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