Thursday 29 November 2018

Self And Consciousness Resonate Entwining Divinity. =S A C R E D Part Two.

Life flows like a liquid, energy which is life in motion flows exactly the same as a river on Earth
flows, except the river of energy  is invisible. We as living Intelligent Focused Energy which is LIFE
are also fluid in nature, our fluidity has been "frozen in form" the frozen form translates as the physical body, which is in truth made of congealed light, which is energy.
The saying "go with the flow"has a far deeper meaning than most of us ever realise.An ancient
maxim states that "reality is hidden in plain sight"what does that actually mean? What precisely
is being hidden from us in plain sight? The answer to that question is really very simple, provided
we can accept the premise "that all is energy" and energy is life! Everywhere you look there is
energy in one shape or another, many shapes and forms that are all energy, the air you breath is
energy, usually invisible to us,we are totally submerged and super-saturated within the energy
matrix,all is energy, all is life, all is consciousness,the whole universe is energy and vibrantly
alive, and we as self aware consciousness units, formed and shaped by infinite intelligence
and all experiencing the experience of being enclosed within a physical form, encapsulated
within a matrix of frozen light, and groping about in the twilight looking for the sun? We all
know that we know, and what we know will gradually expand our conscious awareness into
the understanding of who and what we precisely are, then we will know and understand that
indeed the very ground we all walk upon is sacred and is within itself a living presence.
The darkness that surrounds humanity is just simply ignorance of who we really are, light emerges
from within us, as we understand more about our true nature, we are ALL CONNECTED with
each other, and with every other energy that exists within the universe, there is no such thing as
being separated from the WHOLE which translates as the SOURCE of ALL LIFE, the very life
of  LIFE itself,we are forever connected to source, although through our feelings and emotions
and our ignorance of our true and lasting identity, it can indeed FEEL that you are isolated and
apart from the whole, and those feelings can and do feel VERY REAL, and we each need to experience this, in order to fully understand our nature, the truth though is that it is absolutely
IMPOSSIBLE EVER to be separated from the SOURCE of all life, it just FEELS that way at times.
Woven within the whole fabric of our being, and entwining our life is the Divinity of source.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

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