Sunday 4 November 2018

Soul Weeps Expression Postponed Temporarily. =S W E P T . Part Two.

We can at times seem and feel hopelessly lost by our ignorance and therefore misdirection, and
then can wake up and become found by the arising crisis, that after reflection then correct our
chosen direction.
We all can and often do no doubt, reflect about why we are all here upon this earth plane,and
most likely come up with all sorts of fanciful ideas and speculations as to why we are all here.
Actually there is only one basic reason that we are all here, and that is to know who you really
ARE! There is no other reason than that. And the way we find out who we are, is to live within
the limits of this earth plane, where our consciousness levels are severely restricted by being
enclosed within a physical capsule called the human body. We then through many many lives
of trials and tribulations, where we each experience the fullest limits of the extremes of emotions
through love, hate, envy, jealousy, joy, pain and extreme sadness and heartache, all these varied
experiences are for the purpose of you looking within yourself, and eventually after countless
excursions within this "vale of tears"to finally one bright day, the "penny drops" and you make
that most vital and fundamental connection within yourself, when you experience the PRESENCE
of that divine immortal soul, that is the real YOU!
When that momentous day dawns within your consciousness, you will automatically become
re-born, (without having to enter the womb twice!) and then you will finally know who you really are.
It is very difficult in our modern age of the "five second attention flash" that's how long advertisers
can hold your attention, that's why all advertising is flashed on the screens in rapid fashion, to keep
you hooked on their product, and hopefully buy their worthless trash. We are all bombarded with
so called vital "flashes" of needed things to buy, that we are forever looking outwards, never do we seem to have the time to look within ourselves and see who really lives there! None of us can really
be blamed for this sad state of affairs, because we were never ever taught to look within us, rather
the very opposite, as soon as a baby is born, we can;t wait to dangle hanging things above their
little heads and then encourage the little ones to keep looking at these bits of hanging plastic????
Our schools or colleges never teach looking within, so we have no basic guidance other than our
instincts and the pains of our experiences and many crisis,  thankfully though at least the internet
has a vast amount of information about getting to know the real you,so we can at least find out more
about who really resides within us? My hope dear readers of this blog, that you will find the time to
look within yourself, ask the question, who am I? And when you know that you will be overjoyed
with happiness.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed facebook Soul Realization.

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