Tuesday 20 November 2018

Inside Dwells Our Life Source. =I D O L S

The word idol comes from the Greek word "Eidolon" meaning reflection in water,or a mirror,
and we are all basically reflections of an inner life source, thereby we are by nature all idols
reflecting our inner "dweller"who is the actual life force. Also from the ancient Greek we get
the saying "Man know thyself" written over the portal on the temple of Apollo in Delphi, the
implication suggesting the importance of knowing ourselves,to me means that if we truly know
ourselves, this will bring about a great revelation in our consciousness, we will then know our
divine heritage, and thereby recognise our own inner divinity, presenting itself to us, in the manner
of our immortal divine soul.
We would then know and fully understand the futility of worshipping idols, as we would know and understand that we are all in fact living breathing idols ourselves! That we all our in fact reflections
of an hidden invisible reality, called our divine immortal soul.
In order to do this and find this inner reality, we need to look beyond our ego's and personalities
try and open our minds to this inner possibility, not too open that our brains fall out though! To
perhaps make a decision to for just once in our lives, we will change the vector of our gaze from
forever looking out ward to actually looking within ourselves, to perhaps engage in some
meditation or yoga, by changing the direction of our gaze from outer to inner we will in effect be
heading in a direction that will eventually reveal to our startled gaze the real identity of that
dweller who resides within each and everyone one of us here upon the Earth plane.
There is an ancient saying which says this,"many are called but few are chosen" what does this
really mean? Who or what does the calling, and who or what does the choosing? These are very deep
and very important questions, and we really all need to know the answer to this question, because it is
very important that we understand this, as it will play a vital and life changing experience within all
of our lives at some time or another, perhaps not in this current life time, but eventually the question
and the answer will need to be tackled, before we can move on into another level of consciousness
and perceptual awareness. Inside dwells our life force, and this life force is not your ego or personality, it is something far far greater and more wonderful than that.
In part two will explore this further.   Warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Face Book Soul Realization.

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