Wednesday 16 October 2019

Vortexial Energy Holding Inner Consciousness Life Enfolded. V E H I C L E Part Two.

Mankind seems bewildered and deluded by the "facade of form" (the human called physical body)
We are often coerced by our parents (unbeknownst) and friends to believe that the physical body
is really who you are. If you took this to its logical conclusion, then when you died you no longer
existed-extinct, vanished from this universe! This is why so many of us fear death-extinction of
being!  We see ourselves as temporal beings, four score years and ten,then we are either made
extinct from reality, or if we are religious, then we may go to some place called Heaven,
wherever that is!
When the human race fully understands who they really are,then we can really begin living
in the fullness of knowledge and wisdom,rather than fear and ignorance.
We do not imagine that our cars (vehicles) are anything more than just a convenience to get us
from A to B in comfort, and unless we have a mental health problem, we do not identify our
cars as being who we really are!
Yet billions of us do this very thing with our physical bodies (vehicles), perhaps humanity is
either ignorant of who they are, or are having maybe mental health problems!
Our living life essence is enfolded within a downward spiraling vortex that coheres our "I AM"
self aware consciousness, that wraps up the living life stream and exits within a singularity
point of reference, and anchors this point in two dual streams of intelligent energy force one
located within the crown chakra (sahaswara) and the other in the heart chakra (anahata) these
two forces of living energy are the point that exists in order for physical incarnation to be
permitted entry into that realm of very slow frequency vibration.
Outwardly we all seem to be very stable and very still, but as the saying goes, looks can really
be deceptively deceptive, it truth we are all a whirlpool of rotating life essence, that the vast
majority of the motion within the life force,is held out of this dimension visibly, but those of a
sensitive and clairvoyant nature,can actually see clouds of billowing colored auras emanating
within those they look very closely at, this electromagnetic clouds of life energy are always
invisible to the many, but seen by the few. Science now has machines that can detect these emanations from human beings.
Warmest regards Michael/ any feedback welcomed facebook Soul realization.

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