Thursday 24 October 2019

Life Is SELF Taking Expressed Numenosity. L I S T E N Part Two.

This blog spells out the word LISTEN which then spells out the sentence,"LIFE" is SELF
(absolute life/spirit/GOD) taking expression (becoming motioned,from absolute stillness)
and the "numenosity" is the "appearance" of many relative forms of beings (you and me)
which all are in effect "facets" of the ONE LIFE formless Absolute Intelligence, the living
JEWEL,of which we are all facets of.
Listening we are told is an "ART" which spells out ALL-REALITY-THEREIN=ART!
If we all can stop and listen to that inner voice, we will begin the process of "SELF 
KNOWING" this will then lead us all out of ignorance, and into self knowledge and
inner wisdom.
How then can we tune into this inner voice without waiting for an arising crisis to gain
access to this inner intelligence?
We first need to take time, and go within ourselves, to begin exploring that infinite realm
that lies within us all.
Your "conscience is your guide"if you are attuned to its "still small voice", usually this inner
voice only seems to respond when we are in a crisis, but we can also learn to establish contact
with this inner intelligence if we but make and continue to make an effort to link up with our
higher self, the divine soul.
Due to our vast ignorance the majority of mankind does not understand or even know what
"tools they have on board" their vehicles of expression (human body)
Every human being has an "inbuilt conscience" and this conscience can also be called a
"Divine inner monitor"this is our Divine inner spirit, that we all have on board,but rarely if
ever use it, because our own ignorance stands in our way of doing so!
If you can just believe in yourself dear reader, believe that you are that rare radiant being of a
divine immortal soul, covered up by a physical vehicle that shuts out most of your inner light
but there is an endless supply of that light within you, this inner luminosity will help evaporate
all the mists and miasmas that surround our ignorant outer shells, and reveal your true and eternal
identity. What have you got to lose dear reader of this blog???
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed. Facebook Soul Realisation.

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