Thursday 31 October 2019

Define One Three Seven. D O T S

How can one define the indefinable? With great difficulty I expect.However I will attempt
to describe the indescribable, in the best way I can. The Fine Structure Constant known as
Alpha 1/137 which is a prime number in what is called quantum electromagnetism. Alpha
1/137 is also the thirty third prime number, 33 this number also equates with some very
interesting events over our history, 33 in the highest degree in freemasonry, is also the age
of Jesus when he was crucified, 33 also symbolises the highest spiritual consciousness
attainable by the human being.
In the Kabbalah this constant of 1/137 is seen as representing the physical world of the
(electron) desiring to couple up with the spiritual world light that of the (photon) an electron
absorbing a photon, or "desire connecting to light"
Another way of trying to break down this sequence into portions or packets of force would
be like this I think.
137 could be seen as a pointer to describe the out-workings of the Infinite Mind. The number
(1) could be seen as the Absolute Intention to manifest motion from intention(thought) that
would be the primal number(1) then the number three (3) could describe the trident of power
expressed as positive,neutral, negative, this then leaves the number seven (7) which can
represent the 7 colours of the spectrum, the seven root races of mankind, seven universal
laws. there are many more, but this will suffice for now.
So 137 broken down can reveal the aeonic journey of all life motioning through what we call
that of evolution,we as that of mankind have evolved into the realization of self awareness and
"I AM consciousness" this means that we can begin the transmutation of what those ancient
alchemist's called the power of raising the base metal lead (physical body) into that of GOLD
which represents the spiritual body,to be able to reflect this inner spiritual light, which equates
to the (photon) in quantum electromagnetism, out into this world and your neighbour.
By going within, letting go of the ego, we begin the process of transmutation from leaden
bodies into golden LIGHT bodies,the physical world electrons are transmuted into Photons
by the power of conscious (IN LIGHT) In closing this part one, with what I feel is the root
meaning of 137 which is a desire to connect with the LIGHT!
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcome, Facebook Soul Realization.

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