Friday 1 November 2019

Define One Three Seven-D O T S . Part Two.

The late Richard Feynman, Physicist, born 18th May 1918-Died 15th February 1988, said
this of the number 1/137. quote"You might say the 'hand of God' wrote the number (137)"
137 refers to electrons and the odds of an electron absorbing a single photon. We can be seen
as the vessel (electron) trying to absorb the photon (spiritual light). Our physical bodies
represent that of the electron and our higher self the soul represents that of the photon, if we
can absorb the photon we can radiate spiritual light into the darkness on the planet.
99%of reality is hidden from us, we are only aware of just 1% of that which is real, by going
within ourselves we begin the process of transmutation of electrons into photons, raising the
lower level vibrations into higher levels of frequency by contacting the higher self, the soul.
137 begins with the number one, 1 represents the primal thought wave of the Absolute, 
therefore 1= that of INTENTION, intention then manifests motion from stillness which
then reveals the triple force of positive/negative.neutral,or Yin/Yang/neutral,this then leads
to the seven, which is expressed in numerous ways, such as the 7 rays of expression, 7 races
of mankind,7 rays of the light spectrum,7 days of the week, the list is endless.
We are all vessels physical bodies,composed of atoms and electrons this represents the lower
self,the ego/personality, individualism, the higher self the soul is represented by the photon.
We all instinctively "crave the light" this light is the hidden secret of 137 to search out and
reveal that inner light It is not the outer solar light that we crave for , although we do all need
it to remain physically healthy, but what we all crave for(and very often this craving comes
disguised in the form of additions?) Many of us become LOST within the electronic light
which emanates from all our devices,smart phones etc, and within that lost state we suffer
within this vale of tears. Instead of be joyful and bathing in the photon light of the soul, we
instead are bathed in the false light (dead light?) of physicality the electron, and the electron
ic age, if we had a balance then all would be much better, but we do not have a balanced
planet,far from it. We can however begin to reconcile this imbalance, by taking charge of our
own actions,thoughts, and deeds, we can all begin the journey of going within ourselves and
attracting into our auras the living light of the soul, the divine PHOTON  that which gives life its
inner illumination and radiance.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

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