Wednesday 20 November 2019

We Are Infinite SELF Transfigured. W A I S T

We are all boundless Being, the only limit we have on our realising this boundlessness, is
our ignorance of our real eternal absolute BEING.
What mankind actually is, and what it expresses is a collection of localised "I AM" 
consciousness, points of reference. The infinite absolute SELF, is condensed and localised
within a relative-biological- machine, which we all call humanity or mankind.
The Absolute Infinite Life Force, is thereby having and experiencing a period of relativity
being expressed and "INFORMED" within a biological capsule called man.
Understanding this reality, will make our minds reel with a sense of wonder and disbelief
how could "I" possibly be all this? You may well ask! Many if not all of the readers of this
blog today might well think this way,how could humanity that is over seven and a half
billion souls, all be condensed into ONE ABSOLUTE BEING ? Sound like total nonsense
poppycock,ridiculous,absolutely absurd you might say.
Because we do not know ourselves, and being mindful that ourselves does not consist of our
physical body,that is just a vehicle to permit expression here upon the Earth plane.
Many of us mistakenly think we know ourselves, because we have observed ourselves in
various means of self analysis, what is missing in this ego, personality, mindfulness inventory
is that we can only been studying the biological machine, the vehicle, which is called the lower
self, the personality,ego,individuality,mind and memory, but has revealed absolutely zero
account of whom you really are, which is the Higher Self, or the Soul.
Mankind literally rotates on a point of reference, this point of reference is called your "I AM"
consciousness field of reference, it is a singularity point that tapers downwards through several
dimensions of expression, and exits within the solidification of consciousness/light within a
physical body, and is anchored in this physical dimension within the crown and heart chakras.
A clue to this sequence of expression is in seeing and understanding what those three letters
stand for  "I" A" "M" INFINITE-ABSOLUTE-MANIFESTING. ="I AM" "WE" all our "I AM"
In part two will explore this further.     warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

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