Thursday 28 November 2019

Mind As Direction-Has All Thought Transforming Emotional Reality.-M A D -H A T T E R .

This blog today was inspired by the story of Lewis Carrol's book "Alice's Adventures In
Wonderland" and the character within that story called the "MAD HATTER". "We" all have
a "Mad-hatter" that dwells within each one of us , and the identity of the 'Mad Hatter' is no
other than our mind.
Our minds give direction to our thoughts which in turn effect our feelings and emotions.
In other words our own inbuilt 'mad hatter'denotes the way we think,act, and react. What
is the daily direction of your thoughts, acts and feelings? Whether we are happy or sad
depends upon what way we direct the ebb and flow of our thoughts, and whether they are
positive or negative, joyous or sad. We can sometimes feel like a victim of our circumstances
and fail to ultimately realise, that we always have complete control over our feelings if we so
choose to act or react to anything.
So many of us however, seem to get into the habit of blaming outside circumstances for the
way we feel, Which suggests if we were but to realise it,that we had no real control over the
way we feel. Which is of course totally incorrect. We always have control over ourselves, if
we make the effort and stop blaming outside influences on our behaviours or mental and
emotional feelings.
A term that is often used these days is the one that says "my head tells me this and that" I
have pondered on this phrase, and looked into its implications.The implication stated in
this phrase, suggests quite implicitly that there is somehow another entity dwelling within
this body, that tells the true "owner" of that body, "what to do"! This is seen quite clearly when
the phrase is used in this way"I did not want to drink alcohol,or take illegal drugs, but my head
told me to do so"!"I did not want to tell you a pact of lies, but my head told me to do so"! When
we say things like this, we are stating that we have no control over ourselves and the way we
think,we are in effect then abdicating responsibility for all our actions, and saying without even
realising what we are actually doing, that we as a human being, are not in any way responsible for
anything we say, think, act or do,and there are millions of us upon this planet today, who think
feel, and act, as though they are victims of this "MAD HATTER" called "MY HEAD" told me to
do this"! Are you one of these persons dear reader of this blog?
In part two will explore this further.     warmest regards Michael.

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