Tuesday 19 November 2019

Hole In The Soul. H I T S Part Two.

Mankind in general has a distorted perspective upon our human intellect, in the famous
observation made by Descartes 'Cogito ergo sum'which means 'I think therefore I am' what
he implied by this conclusion is that because we think, we know that we are. But this is
putting the cart before the horse, we do not need to think in order to know that we are.
First we know 'I AM' and then only is it possible for us to think, or know 'I AM thinking'
More appropriately, therefore his saying could be inverted  as 'I am therefore I think' or
better still as, 'I AM' therefore I seem to think'. Even when we do not think, as in deep
sleep, we know 'I AM'.Our thinking depends upon our knowledge of our being, our
fundamental consciousness 'I AM'-but our knowledge of our BEING, does not depend
upon our thinking.
Humanity in general seems to think that this 'I AM' consciousness arises and is contained
within the human body.that the physical body is really who YOU ARE.
And because of this most fundamental and basic error, or more precisely that of gross ignorance
as to the real and lasting eternal identity of humanity,there unfolds a gaping chasm, an emptiness
a cancerous chasm that is the HOLE in the SOUL of mankind.Mankind is being manipulated
by the forces of gross materialism, that has a choking and suffocating hold upon hundreds of
millions of human beings, the WATCHWORD of this force that manipulates mankind is that
you must be ever DISTRACTED by any means fair or foul, to forever look outward and NEVER
INWARD. The forces of glamour, such as our smart phones, and the multi media bombardment
of their trivialised bullshit, posing as "interesting entertainment" keep mankind mesmerised by
this trivia trash, and therefore keep us forever distracted and away from looking within ourselves.
DIE-EASE runs rampant across this planet, because of our gross ignorance of our true and lasting
identity, the HOLE in the SOUL is actually causing a cancerous vortex to arise within humanity
and is literally and factually SUCKING the life giving energy out of mankind, what we have
in our MIDST is a VAMPIRE that is sucking the life blood out of mankind, and the name of this
vampire is SELF-IGNORANCE! I hope this blog will HIT-HOME to its readers and that will effect
some modicum of change. Unless we can know ourselves, all other knowledge is WORTHLESS.
Warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed.Facebook Soul Realisation.

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