Friday 29 November 2019

Mind As Direction Has All Thought Transforming Emotional Reality.-M A D -H A T T E R Part Two.

Our minds are the 'mad-hatter' that dwells within ourselves, the manifestation of all our
thoughts arise within this 'mad-hatter' called the mind. Without the mind thoughts would
not,or could not exist. Who then is in control of our thoughts? Is it you dear reader! If we
take full responsibility for all our thoughts, as hopefully we all do, then we would seldom
if ever need to make excuses for ourselves, or our behaviour. How many of us though do
actually make excuses for our behaviour, or something we said that might have caused
offence,or hurt feelings in another person?
If we make any excuse for what we think,say or do, what are we actually doing? Are we
somehow suggesting that we would have said something different, or acted in another way
if we were in complete control of ourselves? If we say 'my head told me to do that' even
though I did not really want to'feel this way' or do this act', then we have abdicated control
of ourselves, to this thing called "my head-mind"!
There is an ancient occult maxim which states that "Thoughts are Things" we create things
by our thoughts,what then are you creating dear reader of this blog? Are you creating peace
and harmony within your life, or complete chaos, the choice is ours, if we but realise this.
What then is this "thought producing phenomenon" which we call the mind? Simply put the
mind is part of the universal consciousness field, that has developed a "formal human body
awareness"that it believes it really is contained and exists within this localised human being,
and has forgotten within this entanglement its true universal nature.Our "I AM" self awareness
consciousness, becomes localised within your body at birth and the mind evolves around
your experiences from birth and your interactions with others, then we your ego "I AM" comes
on line around your second birthday, the "terrible twos" are the birth of the ego, which is then henceforth becomes what we call the mind.Without any thoughts, the mind does not exist.
When you cease thought, and are just aware, then all that exists within you is consciousness
without thought, therefore mind-less! Ultimately we will all have to lose our minds in order
to find our true eternal SELF. We can however use the mad-hatter mind as a directional beacon
to lead us into that point of stillness within our hearts,that will open up our awareness to change
our minds into intuition lead consciousness.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

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