Monday 25 November 2019

Spirit Entwining Living Form Manifests As Divinity Expressed. -S E L F -M A D E Part Two.

"WE" are all SELF-MADE facets of the ONE-COMPOSITE WHOLE, who ushered out
into motioning expression by the primal thought wave intention of the Absolute Life Force
Source being. that began a journey which is beyond human comprehension, spanning aeons
of being expressed and compressed into endless shapes and sizes, from stars to planets,from
liquid to solid, billions of years passed, then the tide, which is called by us evolution,took a
turn towards that which will eventually lead us all into full self-knowing. Humanity was born
"I AM" consciousness was the "birth" back into consciousness of that spiritual reality of the
"I AM" knowing GOD-LIKE quality.
Our history upon this Earth plane spans much further back in time, than present day science
believes, this will become more evident when we uncover more evidence of so called "lost
civilisations".The "collective unconsciousness"that was mentioned in yesterdays blog, is a vast
"psychic field" that interpenetrates this planet and surrounds it completely. It occupies exactly
the same space that we all occupy, only in another dimension of expression. We call this 'space'
the Astral -plane,or planes as there are many of them.Mankind,WE.over a vast time period have
actually created these psychic realms, which we call the astral planes. The "collective
unconsciousness" of us all has manifested this vast seemingly infinite expanse of relativity in
order to advance our consciousness to the point of full SELF-KNOWING, when we fully know
ourselves to be the SELF (GOD/SPIRIT) then the astral planes for YOU who has just fully
woken up, will vanish from existence for you, as your consciousness will have by then
transcended this illusory realm of relativity.
"WE" are all ONE-LIFE, having seven and a half billion experiences.there is NOT seven and
a half billions LIFE'S, just ONE! "our" task is to find that ONE within US=universal-spirit
=US."we" each will find our own way the be our SELF which is GOD absolute. and because
we only live for a limited time within our vehicles (human body) we all need a place to stay, after
we die (change venues) that place is the astral plane, we stay there like in a "holding pattern"
until another opportunity to revisit this planet becomes available to us, then we are reborn again
into a physical body, and have therefore another opportunity presented to you, to find out just who
you really are. The sole reason "we" are all here is first to find the reality of your indwelling soul
then when having found that,realise that your soul is just another vehicle covering the real BEING
within. which is the SELF.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

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