Sunday 10 November 2019

Space Presence And Now Negate Even Distance. S P A N N E D .

Space is always present/presence in the now, we are all the presence living in space in the
eternal NOW! All there is in fact in Existence is ONE ENTITY, that ENTITY is absolute,
expressing relativity from within its SELF. We are all that ENTITY and we can know that
to be absolutely true, by going within ourselves and inquiring into the root meaning of our
"I AM" consciousness.We live within an illusion of things called space, presence, and now,
if fact space is the presence of the eternal NOW, and are therefore the very same thing.
The very idea of a thing called distance is again an illusion, distant  from what? Your SELF?
What is the distance between YOU and GOD or the Absolute? The answer is ZERO
DISTANCE, as it says in the Bible, "I AM" closer to you than your hands and feet? Ring
any bells? There is not ONE ATOM distance between you and the SELF, which is GOD.
How can you have such a thing as DISTANCE from an "I AM"consciousness, that is
absolute Infinite Eternal and omnipresent? Distance is a relative term used by us to go
from A to B ,that is for the relative physical body only, Consciousness though is infinite
and sees through the absurdity of such a word as distance.
All our knowledge of duality is relative, and therefore though it may be relatively valid,it is
not absolutely valid.The only knowledge that we can consider to be absolutely valid and true
is knowledge that is perfectly non-dual-that is a knowledge that knows only itself and that
is known only by itself. Any knowledge that is known by a consciousness other than itself
necessarily involves duality, distinction, and relativity.
Therefore the only science that could be absolutely true and valid is the science of consciousness
or more precisely the science of SELF-CONSCIOUSNESS.
When we can begin to understand exactly what our "I AM consciousness really is, we will begin
the process of waking up from a very long sleep, and begin to realise the truth of who and what
we really all our. By looking within ourselves we will see the absurdity of the notion of my mind
and your mind, who then is this YOU or YOUR that possess this thing called a mind? And also
the ridiculous idea of my consciousness and your consciousness, as though we own this eternal
principle called consciousness, which is also universal and owned by zero being.
In part two will explore this further,     Warmest regards Michael,
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail,com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

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