Sunday 24 November 2019

Spirit Entwining Living Form-Manifests As Divinity Expressed.-S E L F -M A D E .

"WE" are all Self-Made manifestations of Life experiencing the experiences of being what
we term as that of a human being.The living Life force has become entwined within dense
matter, which vastly lowers its high frequency vibrations. and therefore has caused the life
force which in its natural state is ethereal and more like that of a fluid, to become solidified
and congealed into that of a flesh and bone body.Outwardly we are physical beings and
therefore are limited (relative) and will eventually cease to function and decompose, and
inwardly we are of an astral and spiritual nature,which at the core of our expression is
Absolute and therefore Eternal.
The only limitations upon mankind is bound only by mans ignorance of his true nature.
The more we realise our true nature the less less bounded we become."WE" mankind,
have created what is termed as the 'Astral Realm' (the one all mankind visits nightly
while asleep). The Astral Realm does not or could not exist, without mankind who
created it."we" all created this astral realm which exist and was created by the "collective
unconsciousness" of mankind over an extremely long period of relative time.Carl Gustav
Jung the Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst  born July 1875 and died in June 1961. wrote
extensively on the subject of the "collective unconsciousness" of mankind.
This "collective unconsciousness" has in fact manifested a psychic field/realm  around this
planet Earth, which we commonly call the Astral Planes,these planes of expression are all
contained within several dimensional levels of vibration frequency, sub divided into sub
planes of  seven times seven making around forty nine planes of expression, each plane
on a slightly different vibration frequency level that the one higher or lower than itself.
These levels of extended expression completely surround us all,and radiate from and
interpenetrate the same space we all use, only on a different frequency and also minus a
physical body, instead we are clothed within an astral body, which is not subject to the
physical laws we all our, and can therefore walk through solid objects, as those things called
ghosts are reported to do! The reality of these realms, which in truth are no more than holding
stations, where we exist between one incarnation and the next. Will go further into this in
part two,  Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

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