Wednesday 27 November 2019

Crisis On Cross Of Ascension C O C O A Part Two.

"WE" all of humanity are all part of ONE composite Wholeness, which is where "we" all
came from, which is the Source of ALL LIFE, and the very LIFE of LIFE itself. That of
Absolute Perfection or God for short. "We" all descended from that perfect state of stillness
and were "flung out,or cast out, of EDEN" by the INTENTIONAL WAVE of the Source.
We all our the fallen angels, that have ended up here on the Earth plane. A fallen angel
or a risen angel are both the same thing, one has fallen into dense matter, and the other is
ascending through dense matter.. The angel or spirit being is just a facet of the one JEWEL
which is the Absolute SELF JEWEL or Divine-Diadem of the Absolute.
Life is Absolute Perfection and "we" are that absolute perfection "set into motion". "We"
have all "moved" from our perfect stillness into motion, and have descended gradually into
dense physical matter, and have awoke as self-conscious human beings.
Our crisis on the cross of ascension is to realise ourselves by way of experiences through
our human lives, and understand that we all have had many lives and many incarnations
here upon this Earth. The horizontal line that intersects the vertical line within our central
chest area, is the line which registers all our experiences gained through each life time, where
we have been both male and female, each crisis we encounter will bring us one step closer
into the beginning to change our gaze from outwards to inwards, and ask ourselves questions
about our lives and our values.When we begin to do that we are then beginning to ascend the
vertical line that leads to ascension.
The internet is full of stuff about ascension, some of it is utter nonsense, some is suggesting
that we are all aliens,and unless we read their teachings we will be in danger, again utter drivel
then there are some really good websites that are in alignment with natural law, whatever
resonates with you dear reader take notice of that.
There is no mystery about ascension, it is perfectly aligned with natural Divine intelligent
law, and every human being will undergo this process either in this life time, or another
there is no shortage of time, we have the whole of eternity to ascend. Ascension laid bare of
all mystique connotations, literally translates as leading to full SELF Knowing.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcome. Facebook Soul Realization.

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