Saturday 30 November 2019

Localised Universal Consciousness Indwelling Divinity.-L U C I D .

The word lucid comes from the Latin adjective 'LUCIDUS' , meaning to be "shining" and
also from the Latin verb 'LUCERE' meaning "to shine", so we as human beings who are
LUCID in our expression upon the Earth plane, in other words we are all 'Localised universal
consciousness indwelling within a vehicle that holds that of Divinity within its inner matrix.
And this inner divinity, higher self/soul, is that part of our inner nature that is LUCID, in other
words it "shines"within us and when we make conscious contact with this inner-divinity, this
inner light or lucidity can actually glow with luminosity which can as is seen by those who are
a little sensitive to seeing that of auras and energy emanations from us.
The sole reason we are all here, including working off our Karmic liabilities, is in order for us
to become "fully SELF knowing"which will result in our also becoming fully 'lucid' shining
with that light of which we are all composed of, yet fail to recognise this most ancient truth,
Our outer physical bodies which are just vehicles for the indwelling spirit , are basically
composed of 'congealed light' light that has frozen because of its very slow and sluggish
vibration, this slow vibration causes light(energy) that in higher dimensions flows like a
liquid, to become dense(condensation) and eventually solidify into what we call matter.
Our flesh and blood bodies are just matter being expressed within a biological machine,
which is what we all are physically, and our brains is nothing more that a biological computer.
A biological computer that is connected up to the divine soul that operates it, via
electromagnetic and electrochemical neuron connections within the brain and central nervous
Consciousness is a universal absolute reality, it is ubiquitous, infinite and eternal,in quantum
speak consciousness is "NON-LOCALE" present everywhere simultaneously. "WE" as human
beings, have in effect "captured" this universal cosmological constant and localised it within
our "I AM consciousness"vehicle and therefore think that we are this I am self aware being
who has this facility of self aware consciousness, contained within the mind/ego self aware
structured ego personality, which is then seen as that I am a human being, and that's all I am?
In part two will explore this further.       Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

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