Monday 11 November 2019

Space Presence And Now Negate Even Distance. S P A N N E D Part Two.

The true or essential being both of God and of ourselves is only that which merely is,
and not that which is either 'this' or 'that'. That which merely is, and is not contaminated
by association with any adjuncts such as 'this or 'that' is what is described in philosophy
as 'pure being' or pure existence. This pure adjunct-free being is the one true substance
of which all things are formed,the sole reality underlying all appearances , in truth
therefore, pure being alone exists.
We all our that pure being, which is our "I AM"self aware consciousness. SELF-
CONSCIOUSNESS when fully understood, will reveal our true and infinite nature
"We" all are the presence, the insubstantial ethereal life force which is SPIRIT  has
become substantial (physical body vehicle) and has projected itself into the illusory
place we all call relativity. Which really means in its root form meaning as that of
MOTION, if it moves,then it is relative,if it is absolute motionlessness, then it is
"We" all our always "HERE"  and NOW" we will never leave this POINT ever.
Space presence and now are all part of our SELF CONSCIOUSNESS. we are all the
presence, we are all the space,we are all the now, in truth NO-THING exists except the
"I AM" consciousness, our SELF-consciousness .
This whole relative universe is CONTAINED within the "I AM SELF" aware consciousness
it could not exist otherwise.
If we examine the point of reference which is our "I AM"consciousness point,we will then open
the doorway that leads to infinity and beyond.
We need to lessen the human doings, and replace our doings with that of BEING, doing NOTHING
except BEING YOUR TRUE IMMORTAL SELF! It sounds very easy, but it is not, because we
have all been conditioned to think otherwise, and like the blind leading the blind, we all end up
in the ditch of conditioned ignorance. The TRUTH IS THIS, you have NOTHING to LEARN
all knowledge and WISDOM lies within you and everyone else on this planet, all you have to
do is NOTHING AT ALL! JUST BE YOUR SELF, and everything will be added to you.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed,Facebook Soul Realization.

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