Saturday 16 November 2019

Reflections Of Perfection Expressing You. R O P E Y .

I would like to start this blog today with a poem I wrote some time ago, that seems to fit this
today's blog like a glove.The poem is as follows.
"We are all reflections of perfection
and have no need of correction,
just to know ourselves, and therefore
experience our resurrection."
We all reflect that perfection from within our inner core, but because so many of us  have no
idea of whom we really are, therefore we all reflect a distorted image of our inner core reality.
We even say things like "nobody is perfect" and likewise truly believe that this is so,when the
truth is the exact opposite, we are all perfect, and we know it not.
If we remove the names that we use to describe us. like that of humanity, mankind, the human
race, once we have removed the terms of reference  about ourselves, what then is left?
Well what name is left is what we all our, plus every other thing on this planet, and that is LIFE
we all our life, and if we think about this term called life, we will see that it is in the singular,
there is no such a thing in existence anywhere in the universe that is the plural of the word life.
There are not any life's anywhere in existence, just life. For me the word life stands for Living
-Intelligent-Focused-Energy, that is what "we" all are.So the reality is that we are all part of
just ONE THING and that one thing is called LIFE!
Outwardly we reflect what we have come to understand as reality,which is an relative reality
and therefore it is dual in nature and comes and goes like the seasons, always changing, but
within ourselves, when we look inwards, and focus our attention and awareness on our inner
consciousness, we begin to perceive an inner stillness and begin to sense an unchanging
reality that lies there behind the veil of the formal physical body.
If we were not perfect,we could not exist, its as simple as that, all existence is in essence
perfection, it could not possibly be otherwise.
The only thing that stands between us and the recognition of your truthful perfect SELF
is just that of our gross ignorance of ourselves, and an absence of looking inward, instead of
what the majority of the human race do, and that is solely to look forever outward.
In part two will look further into this.         warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

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