Tuesday 22 October 2019

Force Of Hidden Twilight. F O H A T Part Two.

Without  the fire and the electrifying principle of FOHAT life would remain as yet UNBORN
unmoved, motionlessness,and Absolute, relativity and this universe could not exist without
Fohat. An ancient occult maxim states that "fohat is the steed, and thought is the rider"
fohat  is cosmic energy, the primordial light. It is acting among the electrons of an atom
and among the atoms themselves, as it is among the suns within the universe.
Divine alchemy is a process of where you literally "play with fire"the flame of life is that
of which burns away the dross (outer shell) and eventually reveals the inner purity of the
divine spirit within that of the SELF,or the realised soul.
By going within  ourselves, and practising either yoga, or meditation , we are "lighting" the
internal "thermal fuse" that will begin the divine alchemy of burning the gross physical form
(by raising its atomic structure from gross physical atoms, and replacing them with less dense
ethereal atoms) this process acts automatically and does not need any action on our part to
oversee its direction, all we need to do,is open our hearts and minds, let go of all the dross we
have held onto, sit quietly on a daily basis, let our consciousness and perceptions expand, to
listen intently to that "still small voice within us all" this will open the door to intuitional
downloads of expanded consciousness and divine wisdom.
The hidden twilight is that of the physical shadow (US) we all our the physical shadows of the
indwelling soul,(something that science has yet to recognise) that of the solid physical shadow!
We have often lost our way in this journey through living within the experience of gathering
experiences, we look for things that we have already got within us, yet we fail to know what we
actually have ON BOARD our inner divine selves, for instance we look for the light, and fail to
understand or even perceive that WE ARE the very EMBODIMENT of LIGHT ITSELF! The
human body is made of 100 per cent congealed light, frozen light, we are all SOULY/SOLELY
that of light. We are in fact that of the primordial light FOHAT made into FLESH and BONE.
We can all turn on our inner radiance, by going within ourselves, and beginning a journey that
will reveal who and what you really are, then all doubt and fears will subside from you, and an inner
glow will begin to warm you and embrace you into the inner fold of expanded consciousness and
SELF understanding.
Warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

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