Wednesday 2 October 2019

Rotating Energy Vortexes Of Life Vibrationally Expressed. R E V O L V E . Part Two.

Self aware "I AM" consciousness expressed life in physical form, that of a human being
incarnating upon this planet, is a simple yet complex procedure that involves intelligent
energy operating through what is commonly called universal law, which is immutable
in its highest resolve, but mutable in lower dimensional incursions.The one who is about
to incarnate here upon the earth plane is fully resolved and stable within its astral vehicle
and consciously conscious and fully aware. Then when the incarnation process begins, the
astral body with its occupant within falls into a deep and profound slumber, looses all
consciousness, and exits the astral body vehicle, leaving just the sub-atomic particle that is
the soul energy and the location of the "I AM"consciousness spiritual ATOM, a vortex opens
up and a "downward rotation begins" in a clockwise spin into this physical dimension.
The soul is then "attached electromagnetically" and also "electrochemically" to the physical
vehicle,and remains asleep for around two years, before reclaiming its "I AM consciousness.
The life force then remains in a stable and resolved state, until the time of death draws near,
then an anti-clockwise rotation opens up and the true occupant of the vehicle spins out of
physical existence and reemerges back into the astral realm, from whence it came years before.
The astral body then stabilizes and is resolved back into equilibrium and balance within that
A point to remember is that the astral realms though vast and seemingly infinite  in dimension
are in truth just an illusion, much like this Earth plane is. The reality of Earth is that it is just a
STAGE, a school for emerging self aware, self identifying souls awakening from a long slumber.
We are here on Earth to "play roles" and act upon the stage of expression which is EARTH, in
order to bring about full realization of who you are by EXPERIENCING  the EXPERIENCES
in  varying roles, that will ultimately lead you to FULL SELF KNOWING.
And the astral is only there for you to use while you go through the process of full realization that
you are an ABSOLUTE BEING, and NOT a relative vehicle learning about what it really is.
We the collective of humanity created the astral realms which are the reflections of our collective
unconsciousness manifested over millions of years,and one day the astral realms will vanish from
existence, as we will no longer need its services.
Warmest regards Michael. any feed back welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

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