Friday 25 October 2019

Luminous Infinite Fohat Expressed. L I F E

We are all expressions of that ONE THING called LI F E , humanity amounts to just  over
seven and a half billion souls, and everyone of those seven  and a half billion souls is expressing
just ONE THING that of LIFE. There is not seven and a half billion LIFE'S being expressed
just ONE! What then do you conclude about this phenomena?
Usually I describe life as that of Living-Intelligent-Focused-Energy=LIFE, which it most
certainly is. But for this blog thought I would look from another angle at this thing called
The eternal wisdom is a transcendent reality which cannot be poured into a mould, preserved
and then worshipped as a fetish. The moment its expression becomes static and is treated as a
creed to be religiously and followed piously, it has become DEAD! Though it might still
continue to inspire and help some people in a very limited way.
Life in its essence is that of an Absolute  Transcendent Reality, NO-THING other than that
THING=LIFE exists anywhere in this universe. In FACT this relative universe EMANATES
from WITHIN the Absolute LIFE FORCE , LIFE transcends  this universe Absolutely!
That which "emanates" from "within" the absolute is called  Life-In-Motion, and life in
motion then immediately becomes RELATIVE, no longer absolute,when life is not being
expressed,life then becomes motionlessness and thereby returns to its Absolute Infinite
unrealised Potentiality.
We as this thing called humanity have each vouchsafed within us, the key that will unlock
our fullest unrealised potentiality, that of realising the SELF that lies within each human
being, this great gift we all have which is beyond any earthly price, is the gift of our "I AM"
Consciousness, this self aware consciousness state, is one of unlimited potentiality in which
your consciousness can expand without any limits, the only limits are those imposed by your
own ignorance.
We can all begin to understand that we are all LIFE, and begin to see what this actually MEANS?
We are far far more than just a "bag of bones" we are all immortal beings, living often in fear that
we will all die and vanish into this place called oblivion! In ;part two will explore this further and
see that really we are all living LIGHT in congealed state.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

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