Thursday 6 September 2018

Can Language Of The Heart Inspire Numinosties Grace ? C L O T H I N G Part Two.

In the Christian Bible there is a story which talks about Jesus walking through a busy market
place, when suddenly he stopped, and the story says that Jesus felt "virtue" leave his body,
because a woman had just touched "the hem of his garment",Jesus felt this virtue leave his body
and was transmitted into her body, and this soul was healed. What then is this virtue, that left Jesus
aware that he had been touched by this woman? This virtue is basically the "life force" which is
just another name for SPIRIT. The reason I am mentioning this here is to bring a point of awareness
to this most vital force spirit, that exists within us ALL.We may not have the degree of sensitivity
that Jesus had, but we all have the same potential that lies within us. As mentioned in yesterdays
blog, our bodies are made out of congealed light, which is just another name for spirit.
If we could even begin to realize what this actually MEANS,you would attain cosmic consciousness
in a flash of illuminated wisdom! Supposed you just touched your arm, which is your earthly
garment,and then started making the connections, as to what this arm is actually made of? It is
made out of Condensed light (spirit), as is the rest of your body, if you began making all the
connections as to what this ultimately means to YOU, as the DWELLER WITHIN and  of this
body, your life and conscious awareness would change faster than you could blink your eye!!
Can the language of the heart inspire and open numinosities grace? Yes absolutely, The language of
the heart is emotional communication as is by nature cohesive and inclusive, in other words loving
in nature. The language of head which is reason driven and egoic by nature, and divides by logic
which at its core is exclusive.
The mind can be seen as logical, and reason, and the heart as illogical and emotion, to become a
balanced being, we somehow have to unite these two into one composite whole.By bringing the
head center down into the heart center and marrying these two forces of intelligence into one.
The language of the heart is far more powerful than the head, it is also the center that connects you
directly to your higher self the soul. We often tend to think of  our center of consciousness as existing
between our ears, but the reality is that our consciousness is really within our hearts, by feeling the
emotion of love, our heart centered consciousness expands and becomes even more inclusive and embracing, if we can all turn within ourselves, focus on our heart centered consciousness, we will then be actively bridging  the gap between you as a physical body, and you as the indwelling immortal divine soul, that you are, dear reader.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcome Facebook Soul Realization.

1 comment:

  1. "indwelling immortal divine sou"
    Yes brother that is our real identity!
