Wednesday 19 September 2018

Triple Realization In Mankind's Experienced Destiny.= T R I M E D

There are three major realizations that all of man kind will eventually experience, this will take
many life times, and maybe a few thousand years to finely absorb the last ones into the WHOLE
One could ask the question, and quite rightly so, that if this triple realization process takes so
long, what is the point of mentioning it now? As we will all be long dead, many times over by the
time we arrive at the last realization!! That is a very valid question, the answer is that there is one
soul who has already achieved this triple realization, his name was Sri Ramana Maharishi, he
fully realized back in the beginning of the 1900's and died in 1950. So what one has done we can
also do, it really depends on our efforts and focus.
The three major realizations we all will take, are these, first there is the egoic realization, the state
of being identified with the ego,the power which seeks to defend and glorify the separate and separated self,an unhealthy autonomy,or dogged independence, and sometimes works to obscure
the inner divine self, also known as just the ego, or lower self. with ego centered consciousness
we can fully understand our physical state, and to a large extent, we can understand our mental
and emotional state,being that mankind is expressed in a three fold expression, that of physical
mental, and spiritual, the emotional aspect is tied in with the spiritual aspect of our expression.
The egoic state is very wary of the spiritual aspect of our being, and the reason for this, is very clear
if you try and explore into your own spirituality, at first your ego may be very supportive of your
most noble endeavors, but as soon as you begin to realize and make contact with the higher energy
that dwells deep within us all, then the ego becomes and feels threatened,and will then try every
trick in its large arsenal to deter you from going any further, it will try and make you focus on something different, something that will not threaten it.
The second aspect of this triple realization, is that of soul realization, there are in fact many minor
realizations that we all must take along the way of expansion and achieving full unification within
the whole. But for the purpose of this blog am really focusing on just three, that's more than enough
for now. Soul realization can take the form of a long drawn out process, where we gradually begin
to see deeper into the consciousness matrix, and are given insights and intuitive messages that open
up more and more of your awareness, or some can have like a spontaneous realization of their soul
it was much like that with me, I realized the reality of my soul back in 1975, it has taken me the last
forty odd years to fully understand the full implications of this state.
In part two, will carry on with soul realization, then tackle SELF realization.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback MOST welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

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