Saturday 15 September 2018

Life Omitting Needs Guarantees Inner Negative Grief.=L O N G I N G . Part Two.

We all know ourselves fairly well, say, physically and mentally, and to a fair degree emotionally,
but what about other aspects of our earthly incarnation? Like etherically,psychically, and
spiritually? What about our electromagnetic field that emanates all around our physical and etheric
bodies? Which has at least seven well known energy centres within the body, called chakras?
Also there are five other lesser known chakras, and lastly what do we know about our true and
real identity, of each of us being immortal divine souls?
The price we all pay for our ignorance of a true and complete understanding of just WHO and WHAT we are- is suffering, either,physically, mentally, emotionally, and every other which way
that will befall us individually and collectively. The longing feeling that we all get, yes you dear reader of this blog, you too have this inner longing, we all have, without exception.  This longing
feeling is a signal coming from our higher self, the immortal divine soul, flashing on and off, very
much like and akin to, a lighthouse at sea, that flashes out to safeguard ships from imminent
peril, our higher self, want to protect us from imminent peril, that's why it gives us this longing
feeling,coaxing us gently into looking within ourselves, to find out the source of this inner
prompting, and in so doing gain confidence in this intuitive prompting , and begin to venture
deeper into your being, and then finally revealing and at last actually knowing just who and what
you are.
None of us are to blame for this gross ignorance of what mankind actually and really consists of
none of us were ever taught this at school, college, or university, our parents bless them all, they
did not know who they really were, so how could they possibly teach us about it?
I remember a young mother years ago, whose baby had suddenly died, and she asked her local
priest about what happened to her baby, he replied that her baby was "resting in the arms of Jesus"
to which she angrily replied, he must have bloody big arms then! And stormed out of the church!
I hope that we can all address our inner longings, and find our way into a more comprehensive way
of understanding and realizing our true and immortal nature.
Warmest regards Michael, any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

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