Sunday 2 September 2018

Meditation Is Simple Truth About Knowing Existing Numinosity. M I S T A K E N Part Two.

The word meditation comes from the Latin word MEDI meaning center, or middle,and the other
part of the word which is TATION there is no real understanding as to what that word tation actually
means, I searched the web and found nothing there, therefore, I propose to ascribe the meaning of
tation, to mean POINT, so that then the act of meditation, would begin within the "CENTER POINT"
of our being, and to me that is the heart center,or heart chakra.
Without a major life threatening crisis in my life back in the year 1974, I would most likely never
found out about meditation, or even had any interest in looking within myself, now I am most
grateful for that crisis, as it has enhanced my life beyond measure. My sincere wish is that you
dear reader of this blog,do not have to wait for a crisis to come calling on you,before you decide
to venture within yourself through the practice of meditation.
We all our "CENTER POINTS" anchoring numinosity within our physical bodies here on this
Earth plane, numinosity just really means spirit, or soul, and for any of those two to be able to be
expressed here on Earth, it needs a vehicle (ANCHOR weight) and that's WHERE WE come into
the PICTURE, because ALL OF US HERE ON EARTH, are basically anchors and the physical
human body is that very weight that enables the soul (YOU AND ME) to gain purchase in this
dark dense low vibration world.
By going within  ourselves, in the practice of meditation, we open up the inner door within
our heart chakra that begins to reveal the truth about who you really are.Your imagination will
be fired up, as you begin to see and experience new and wonderful insights that will befall your
startled gaze. This spiritual reality that we, ALL LIVE WITHIN, but millions are blind to this reality
simply because their GAZE  is fundamentally always focused by looking out there! And never
looking within them selves. It seems to me that with the exception of a very few of us, who will
feel the need to look within them selves, without having to be confronted by a crisis, the rest of us
me most certainly would have never taken up meditation, and discovered the living divine soul within
me, unless I was confronted with the choice LIVE OR DIE! I thankfully chose to live. I hope dear
reader you are one of the few, who can discover your true identity by looking within yourself, without
having to be prompted by an arising crisis.
There are many "experts" in this world, and some are hailed as a "world's foremost authority on
their given subject,but ask them who they REALLY ARE, and there is SILENCE, because they do
not know, who they are! Its a really odd world where millions of us are almost queuing up to be
educated, in a vast range of subjects with the EXCEPTION of ONE THING, none of those millions
have any interest about knowing the identity of the being that resides WITHIN THEM! Mostly
because so many millions of us think we know who we are, Joe bloggs, student, lives at so and so address,etc etc, zero content about the reality of the life form within them.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realizatiion/

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