Sunday 23 September 2018

Matter And Thought Reveal Illusional Xfactor.= M A T R I X .

What then is this illusional xfactor, that matter and thought reveal?The simple answer is that
we all are this illusional xfactor!  Supposing you were to suggest to your friends or family,
that your new Ford car that you had just purchased, was really YOU? What do you think their
reaction would be? If you persisted in this claim, that your new Ford car, was really you, before
too long, men in long white coats would come and place you in protective care, in the local
mental health hospital, and while there, your treatment for your delusion, might well be E C T
treatment, which stands for electoconvulsive therapy, where two electrodes are placed on your temples, and then your brain gets an electric shock, not very pleasant, at least these days you
are given an injection which cause you to loose consciousness, for a few minutes while your
brain is shocked. Years ago you were awake when this happened, with a grip between your
teeth, to stop you biting of your tongue! Then you would most likely be given a cocktail of
drugs, that would then hopefully dissolve your delusion.
What then is the real difference between the man or woman who believed that their new Ford
car is really them, and the rest of us in this thing called humanity, all believing that our physical
bodies are actually who we really are? Should then the whole of humanity be given ETC
Treatment, to help it dissolve its very own delusion, and also be given a cocktail of drugs to
bring us all back to sanity!!!!
It might well sound absurd, that anybody would think that their car was really them, but if we
really look at what WE ALL are really doing, thinking that the biological computer called
a physical body,is actually and really who YOU ARE! Is  that delusion exactly the same as that
lead that poor soul, who thought he was his car, and was taken away for treatment??
Matter and thought are both woven into a form and shape, that will permit the immortal soul
access into this low vibration energy field, it needs a vehicle in order to have the weight and gravity
to hold it in place while experiencing life of Earth, that weight and gravity is PROVIDED by what
we call the physical body,in which we all mistakenly believe is US, when in truth the physical
body is just and only a VEHICLE, nothing MORE!  Life is the MATRIX where ALL MOTION
is BORN,When life is expressed it is in MOTION, when unexpressed, Absolute motionlessness.
In part two,will look more into this.  warmest regards Michael. any feedback most welcomed, Facebook Soul Realization.

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