Thursday 20 September 2018

Triple Realization In Mankind's Experienced Destiny. =T R I M E D. Part Two.

All realizations are are vouchsafed within the matrix of the whole of mankind,from our primitive
beginnings to this present day more awakened state. All our gathered experiences are a gradual
awakening process, this is what experiences are, each experience represents a motion through
which you pass through, and its effect is imprinted upon your primary consciousness. We went
through the basic ego state in yesterdays blog, this self aware state of knowing that we are alive
and having the capacity to be able to reflect upon this truth.The vast majority of us are currently
within this ego state,some with reflective ego's and balanced, other with more rampant and
bloated ego's are running our countries, and are heads of state!
Many of us will stay in this egoic state all of our lives, seeing no real need to look any further
or deeper into life, that's fine, as long as our life delivers what we want, why would you want to
rock the boat, so to speak! A few though within this mindset, will make a move to look deeper
into life, because they feel an inner magnetism to search for answers as to why are we all here?
The majority of us, myself included, would not have made the effort to look within themselves
unless they were confronted with a major life changing of threatening crisis. The important thing
to be mindful of,is that we are all on a journey to soul realization, and ultimately to SELF
realization. although millions of us are completely unaware of this fact, we are still unconsciously
treading a path through multiple experiences, that will deliver us into the place where realization
will naturally occur, just when, really depends on us, this life time, or another, we have ALL the time
in the world, as we are all immortal divine souls.
If any of you reading this blog, yes YOU dear reader, pay attention to that inner voice within you
some will call this still small voice within themselves, the conscience, let the voice of your conscience speak to you, because this inner voice is your own immortal soul communicating to
you, any way it can get through to you. this inner intuitive voice, listen to what it says, ask this
inner voice to reveal itself to you, ask yourself the question who am "I", and await a answer, one will
come if you just PERSIST in your questioning. Then you will be on the roas to your own soul
realization. Lastly we get to SELF realization, this has already been achieved by some, I mentioned
one in yesterday's blog, not many of us are going to achieve this exalted state in this present lifetime
but it is I feel important to mention it, because this state is all of humanities ultimate DESTINY!
We need only be mindful that at the absolute core our matrix, we are all Absolute, we are all spirit
clothed in garments woven by our thoughts and consisting of woven light, disguised as a thing
called matter! Deep within us, we are all fully realized,  its just that we do not know how to just
BE that realized ONE,  in simple terms we have just got to do nothing at all, to realize this state
because we are already there, but fail to see this!  Humanity is basically relative on the outside
and absolute on the inside, the two faces of JANUS!
The biggest difference that I would like to mention here is this, in ego realization, there are seven
or more billion of us, living this reality, in soul realization there to will be seven of more billion
of us realizing this inner state, but with SELF REALIZATION  this number is JUST ONE!
Warmest regards Michael any feedback most welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

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