Friday 7 September 2018

Aware Memory Invokes A Loving Oneness Numinously Expressed.= AM-"I"-ALONE?.

The question arises  within  all our minds at some time or another in our life, that of, "am I alone?
Often followed by the words, "is this all there is"? And often added as well the question, what is the
point, of my life? All these questions need an answer, but where will we find it? Well there are a
variety of places to look for answers, friends, family,a counselor perhaps, or you could meditate
within yourself, and ask yourself those questions, and see what happens.
We will at some point in our lives recognize the difference between knowing and feeling, like we
can know that we are not, say alone in the house, but we "feel" alone, and its this feeling that can
give us the thoughts of being alone, even when in a huge crowd.
Life itself, is a counselor, that lives within us call, if we pay attention to our innermost thoughts and
feelings, we could learn a great deal, the trouble is that in this modern age, where everyone has access
to all manor of electrical gadgets, the smart phone being the biggest culprit by far. We are so transfixed on that little plastic screen, that we never take the trouble to look within ourselves.
LIFE, which is a universal constant, and present everywhere, is also infinitely intelligent and all
embracing, we as human beings are within this LIFE matrix, firmly embedded within it, and because
we are all LIFE, we are totally protected by this LOVING COMPASSIONATE  life FORCE that
surges through our bodies. Our biggest difficulty is that so many millions of us, are completely
unaware of it existence. Therefore millions of us suffer in ignorance, little realizing that within
themselves lies an infinitely intelligent  loving counselor, who can answer all the question that
trouble you. The truth is that we can never ever be truly alone, because ALL LIFE is totally
connected and interconnected with all its parts,but what we can feel, is that we are alone, in a vast universe, and this can be very scary indeed.Even if we know, say, that there is a God, if we do  not
feel that truth, then we will still feel alone and isolated.
LIFE, being of absolute intelligence, appoints to each of its charges here on earth, a counselor, a
counselor that lives within you, and in its truest sense, is YOU!  This counselor is none other than
your own immortal soul, which is always available to you,  if you just take the trouble to look 
within yourself, and ask this inner counselor the questions that burn deeply in your heart.
In part two will explore this more,   warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcome Facebook Soul Realization,

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