Sunday 9 September 2018

Soul Is Love Literally YOU ! =S I L L Y .

We can and do look for love, that we seem to think exists somewhere outside of us. Sadly we so
often fail to realize the truth that we are all  our really, the very embodiment of love itself.
We are all looking for something out there, that exists deeply within our very own body! Because
we tend think of love as something that we will find, if we are fortunate  enough, we fail to make
the connection that we are formed and shaped by the very power we all seem to be looking for!
Every atom, every cell, every hair on your body, is formed shaped and dispatched by that absolute
all cohesive embrace of LOVE, in truth no-thing else exists within this universe except this ABSOLUTE IMMUTABLE PRINCIPLE of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, You could look for a
thousand lifetimes to find something else, and in the end you would FAIL! Love exists upon an
infinite spectrum of varying vibrations, HATE is at the lowest vibration level, unconditional
love is at its highest possible frequency.
Because we do not know ourselves, we tend to imagine all manner of things about us, that have
really no baring on reality. None of us are at fault, particularly in the western world, including
all of Europe, USA and Canada,Australia, and New Zealand, plus many other smaller western
countries,  our basic education system does not include any teachings about who and WHAT humanity actually IS! No one is taught at school, college, or university, that ALL of HUMANITY
are each immortal divine souls, and that the physical body, great as it surely is, is just acting as
a vehicle, for the real indwelling reality, your immortal soul.And because we were never taught
this truth, we mostly then spent the rest of our lives completely ignorant as to who we really ARE.
I know that I did, never had a clue about who I was, and most likely never would have, unless a
life threatening crisis had not arrived on my door step! This crisis literally opened my eyes and mind
to the fact that there was much more to life, than I had ever imagined.
Love is whom we ARE, but because of our failure to comprehend this reality, due to the fact that
nobody had ever told us about this, we go searching far and wide looking for something that we
already have locked within our hearts.
In part two will explore this further.  warmest regards Michael any feedback welcome Facebook Soul Realization 

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