Wednesday 26 September 2018

Inner Notions Teach Us Insightful Thoughts Igniting Our Numinosity.=I N T U I T I O N Part Two.

Igniting our numinosity, what does that actually mean ? Well the word numinosity comes from
the Latin word,numen, which means "arousing spiritual curiosity" or it can mean, to bow your head
in the presence of Divinity.So if we have an experience of hearing an inner voice within us, perhaps
because we may be in a crisis, or even emotional turmoil,if we hear that inner reassuring voice, that
helps us to feel safe, and cared for,maybe this inner voice, will arouse your own curiosity, and start
you thinking about from where does this inner small voice, come from? Is it the voice of God?
Some who have this experience do indeed think it is the voice of God! Others will think it is our
conscience, others will not bother thinking about it at all! Perhaps just think it was their mind
helping them, and nothing really special.
The word intuition literally means "to be taught from within" I mentioned this yesterday, if any of
us really think about what this actually MEANS? What are the implications of this meaning?
Should this not at least arouse a modicum of curiosity within us?  As to whom and what is this
teacher, that is teaching us from within ourselves? What is the identity of this inner teacher? Are
you at least a little bit curious to know? Unless something is actually brought to our attention, we
can spend our entire lives, not ever thinking about what say this word intuition actually and really
means.I am hoping that this blog will help focus the attention on that word intuition, and that those
dear readers of this blog, will give this word, some of their attention. And trust that my hopes are
not all in vain. My life was literally saved by this inner small voice, when at the age of twenty nine
I was so depressed and anguished by fears and horrific nightmares, that I was going to commit
suicide and drown myself, if it were not for that reassuring inner voice, I wold have been dead over
forty years ago, and most likely been recycled back into another nightmare here, to learn how to deal
with life and experiences. This inner voice that offers hope and reassurance comes by many names,
some of us call it our conscience, or our higher self, the inner voice of reason, it does not matter as
to what we call this inner voice,as long as we try and pay attention to it,and seek to get to know it
better. We all have this inner teacher within us, all seven billion or so of us,all we really need to do
is to look within ourselves, and perhaps ask ourselves that question of, "who am "I"? If we persist
with this line of questioning, we will all get an answer, and the answer will be, that you are an
immortal divine soul, just like the rest of humanity, sadly though, tens of millions of us, have yet to
discover,this most profound and wondrous truth.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback most welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

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